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Klaus Hinrich Stahmer 


Klaus Hinrich Stahmer was born 1941 in Stettin [now Polish: Szczecin]. In the spring of 1945, he fled to the West. During his school years (1947-1960) in Lüneburg, he grew up as a choir singer in the vibrant tradition of Bach and received instrumental lessons (cello, piano).

After graduating from high school, he completed a comprehensive music education at Dartington College of Arts in England, at the Hochschulinstitut für Musik Trossingen, and at the Musikhochschule Hamburg (Artistic Diploma in Music Theory, Private Music Teacher’s Diploma in Cello, 1st State Examination in School Music for Gymnasiums), as well as at the Universities of Hamburg and Kiel. He earned his PhD in 1968 in Kiel. Since 1969, Stahmer worked as a university lecturer (since 1977 Professor of Musicology at the Bavarian State Conservatory of Music in Würzburg (since 1973 University of Music). Here he founded and directed the festival “Days of New Music” (1977-2001) and led the “Studio for New Music” (1989-2003). In addition to his work as a university lecturer, festival and concert organizer, Stahmer also made a name for himself as an author and journalist, with topics from the field of new music at the center of his publications and radio broadcasts.

As a freelance contributor to several broadcasting stations, he regularly produced programs on contemporary music. Culturally, Stahmer was active in several committees (German Music Council, among others) concerning the interests of contemporary music. He was also president of the German section of the International Society for New Music [IGNM] multiple times (1983-1987; 2000-2002). He saw the focus of his public work in deepening the relationships between Germany and Israel as well as in the rapprochement between Poland and Germany.

Since his retirement from university service (2004), Stahmer has worked as a composer and from his residence in Würzburg, he undertakes lecture and study trips to the countries of the Near and Far East. Stahmer has been a member of the Free Academy of Arts in Hamburg since 2013.

Participated in festivals

2020 To the East