The premiere of “Portersviten” was a musical event in three acts where the audience participated in the creation of a work under the direction of Paula af Malmborg Ward and Palle Dahlstedt.
Act 1 took place in the foyer by the fountain at the Waterfront Hotel.
Each member of the audience was given a PDS (Personal Drink Stick) made of three different materials such as wood, plastic, and metal. Porter bottles were arranged around the edge of the fountain, grouped harmoniously according to a musical idea. Paula led the audience in a resonant sound walk around the fountain, and together with Palle, they recorded.
Act 2 was divided into three sub-acts.
In the Waterfront foyer, there was a porter tasting with Björn Lager telling the story of Porter. In Carnegie Hole, the film “Buteljernas tid” (The Time of Bottles) was shown, the premiere performance for tuned porter bottles and untuned piano. On the Porterpråmen, everyone could enjoy music from Scotland, England, Bohuslän with Anna Petrini on recorder and Emilia Amper on nyckelharpa.
Act 3 involved food and drink at Porter Pelle with a concluding interactive dessert concert.
From the audience’s recorded porter bottle sounds, Palle Dahlstedt had created an electronic symphony during Act 2, which he further developed live. Then, Paula af Malmborg Ward (who also played the accordion), Karin Dornbusch, and Palle Dahlstedt premiere performed the newly composed “Balladen om Porter” (Ballad of the Porter) in eight verses. The audience had their natural place as a background choir and sound accompaniment in the refrain.
Frontside has existed since 2019 and is largely driven by volunteer efforts, but we are highly dependent on additional financial sponsors and fundings. All contributions are used to engage fantastic musicians, rents of venues and all other things that make the festival a magical experience.
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If you wish to sponsor the festival with larger amounts, we are extremely grateful. You will continuously receive our newsletters and advance information about tickets, as well as be offered a glass of sparkling wine in a unique meeting with our artists during the festival days, and your name will be published (upon agreement) on our website.
Our membership register contains information about names and addresses, in some cases also phone numbers and/or email addresses. The register is used only for sending out membership information. The association will not sell or otherwise share personal information with any other party. Upon leaving the association, the information will be deleted and will only remain in the records that we are required to keep for seven years according to accounting laws. For further information or if you wish to be removed from the register, please contact our treasurer, Catrin Bernsro: